Handgun Defense

Friday, March 17, 2006

How GunGuys.com lies to you

This particular individual apparently has no problem spinning fraudulent tales to support his anti spin.

In the shooting of a young girl in Englewood Illinois, The GunGuys site owner spins a tale of how the assault weapons ban in Illinois actually works, since the shooter had to buy the weapon in Indiana. If the law really worked, the weapon should never have made it in to the chicago area, don't you think?

The weapon was also purchased by using a fake ID. I can only assume that was how the background check passed, because his own identity would have failed him. The GunGuy grabber would have you believe that this is what makes it so easy for criminals to obtain weapons, in other words, a loophole. One that he would like to see plugged. I would too, but there is no way to have a gun dealer be able to determine that an ID is fake, the holder is really who he says he is, and confirm with the federal government that he/she has done all this without giving the gun dealer access to the same resources as the federal government doing the check. But they don't want you to know this, just take their word that it should be done.

I'll be checking on this guy daily and pointing out all the crap that he's permeating to promote his agenda.


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