gunguys can't stop the misinformation it seems
This individual seems to be able to just spew lies out there like it was the absolute truth.
In reference to a story he posted earlier today, about ending gun crime in boston, the article talks about how the strictness of Mass. gun laws (like requiring background checks at gunshows for all sales) are a great step at reducing the number of guns on the street, but states like NH and Maine have very lax gun show laws that do not require background checks for gun sales are the major contributor to gun violence in Boston.
Notice that he doesn't try to explain the actual circumstances regarding the background checks, like NH and Maine don't require STATE police to do a background check like Mass. does, but they ALL have to do a federal background check. Wait, they must be referring to the fact that they don't do background checks from private sales (which couldn't sell bulk because that would be commercial) I'm guessing that having the STATE police do a check is what got Mass. an A- by the brady campaign and should be all the explanation anyone needs as to why NH and Maine have a much lower crime rate than Mass.
Can '' explain why, if the gun laws are so lax in NH and Maine, why the gun violent criminals don't choose to stay in those states instead of going back to Mass.? I suppose it wouldn't have anything to do with lots of law abiding people being armed themselves, would it? I'm sure it couldn't be because these bad guys are afraid of getting shot by armed law abiding citizens, unlike the target rich environment in Mass. (read that as unarmed citizens)
In reference to a story he posted earlier today, about ending gun crime in boston, the article talks about how the strictness of Mass. gun laws (like requiring background checks at gunshows for all sales) are a great step at reducing the number of guns on the street, but states like NH and Maine have very lax gun show laws that do not require background checks for gun sales are the major contributor to gun violence in Boston.
Massachusetts has strong gun laws, and requires background checks at gun shows, but because the other states don’t implement that, getting a gun is as easy as driving across the border.
Notice that he doesn't try to explain the actual circumstances regarding the background checks, like NH and Maine don't require STATE police to do a background check like Mass. does, but they ALL have to do a federal background check. Wait, they must be referring to the fact that they don't do background checks from private sales (which couldn't sell bulk because that would be commercial) I'm guessing that having the STATE police do a check is what got Mass. an A- by the brady campaign and should be all the explanation anyone needs as to why NH and Maine have a much lower crime rate than Mass.
Can '' explain why, if the gun laws are so lax in NH and Maine, why the gun violent criminals don't choose to stay in those states instead of going back to Mass.? I suppose it wouldn't have anything to do with lots of law abiding people being armed themselves, would it? I'm sure it couldn't be because these bad guys are afraid of getting shot by armed law abiding citizens, unlike the target rich environment in Mass. (read that as unarmed citizens)
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