Handgun Defense

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Nicole at the SeattleTimes, taking aim at gun laws.

It was inevitable, the blame game for the tragedy in Seattle that is. So far at least people aren't holding Kyle Huff blameless for his actions, but the anti-gunners are still hammering away at the guns being the bigger blame for all these deaths.

What killed those people was a 28-year-old man named Kyle Huff, who took advantage of American gun laws and packed his pickup with an arsenal of weapons that no person should ever want or need: An assault rifle. A handgun. A shotgun. A machete. Hundreds of rounds of ammunition.

What Nicole needs to explain is how does one take advantage of restrictive gun laws?

But what confounds me is why anyone should have such weapons, and so many.

Nicole is either an obvious victim of the shoddy education system in this country or she is part of that system of 'de-americanization'. The process of dumbing down americans in to thinking that gun rights never existed in the first place.
Let me spell it out for you Nicole. S-E-C-O-N-D A-M-E-N-D-M-E-N-T

On Saturday, Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske walked through that house before the bodies were removed. Afterward, he called Huff's shotgun "not for hunting purposes, but for hunting people."

The chief is obviously a product of that education system I was referring to earlier. Guns were never classified as either hunting weapons or killing weapons. They just were weapons. Tools to preserve liberty and freedom. The birthright of every American.

Kerlikowske said Monday. "Reasonable, common-sense gun laws are going to be an issue for a while.

Watch that 'common-sense' term become as widely used as 'judicial activism' was the last few years. What I want to know is whats 'common-sense' about leaving millions of american citizens defenseless? There is no such thing as 'common-sense' gun laws that leave people at the mercy of homicidal maniacs.

John Rosenthal has a plan. Last year, the Boston real-estate manager founded the American Hunters & Shooters Association (www.huntersandshooters.org), a nonprofit seeking "common sense gun-safety measures."

Rosenthal wants to represent the millions of American gun owners who act responsibly and expect the government to do the same, like restricting access to military-style weapons, and requiring training and permits, and tightening rules for gun-show sales.

John Rosenthal does not represent millions of american gun owners who act responsibly and expect the government to do the same. Rosenthal is a tool of the gun control lobby whose sole purpose is to abolish the second amendment.

Rosenthal said. "National gun policy has been to allow unrestricted access to all firearms, including assault weapons, which had been banned until last September."

Rosenthal seems to be purposefully ignoring the numerous gun control acts that the government has legislated, like the NFA of 1934, the FFA of 1938, or the GCA of 1968.
All of which, by supreme law of the land, are unconstitutional to begin with. But don't let real facts get in the way of Rosenthals false rhetoric, shall we?

Why would someone want to buy an assault rifle?

Pay attention Nicole, I'm sure this was bypassed in your education, but civilian owned weapons (that includes assault weapons) are necessary to preserve freedom and liberty. Unless thats something you'd like to go ahead and do away with?

Monday, March 27, 2006

Chicago Tribune editorial bloviating a pack of lies

Knowing that the chicago trib is a complete liberal rag, I normally would pass over anything that comes out of it but this particular editorial sounds like a campaign agenda so I had to rip it apart.

It is not yet clear what weapon is to blame in the death of 10-year-old Siretha; investigators believe it may have been a pistol equipped with a large ammunition magazine.

Lets make sure everyone gets the 'large ammunition magazine' part. Isn't that in the list of things to ban for blagojevich?

These killings underscore the need to restrict assault weapons--and why such efforts are immensely frustrating. If Illinois were to impose a ban on the sale of such weapons, it wouldn't be hard to get around it. The gang member charged with killing Starkesia Reed bought an AK-47 in Indiana, which doesn't require a firearm owner's card. It's the same kind of weapon used in her murder, though that Indiana purchase has not yet been linked to the crime.

Well, the handgun ban has been a huge success for chicago so it only makes sense to ban assault weapons too, since hundreds every year are killed by them. At least they got one part right though, that it wouldn't be hard to get around a ban. It's just a lead in though for trying to sponsor another state to use firearm owners cards, which is completely irrelevant since they can be forged just as easy as state ID cards can be. It also turns out that the weapon that was purchased in Indiana hasn't officially been linked to any crime.

The use of semiautomatic weapons in crimes declined while there was a federal ban, but Congress made the callous decision to let that ban expire. So the effort to restrict these weapons has to proceed elsewhere.

So the 2003 murder capital of the world got its award by all those people dying of revolvers and knives? And lets hound congress some more about letting a bad law expire. It's like banging your head against a wall.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

GunGuys.com blames NRA for lax law enforcement in california

Mike Magnum, owner of GunGuys.com, put up an article today about the orange county register starting a series of articles concerning people who have had restraining orders filed against them but have still been able to retain their firearms. Now, it is california state law that domestic abusers, or anyone having a restraining order imposed upon them, are supposed to have all of their firearms confiscated but for some reason its not happening. Why? well, the article pretty much sums it up with this:

There are about 260,000 active restraining orders in California, according to the Department of Justice. But an Orange County Register investigation found that none of the state’s 58 counties has a mechanism for ensuring that weapons are surrendered within 24 hours, as required by law.

In addition, about 4,700 restraining orders listed in a statewide database last month did not include the mandatory firearms restriction.

So why is this happening?

Here, no one routinely confiscates the defendant's weapons, or checks the restrained person's name against the state database of registered gun owners. No one is charged with verifying that the weapons are surrendered as ordered.

Court and law-enforcement officials trace the inaction to a gap in the law, which doesn't designate which agency is responsible for enforcing the statute.

"I don't think the law specifies at all who's responsible," Riverside County Presiding Judge Sharon Waters said. "We view that as law enforcement's responsibility, but I don't know if they view that as their responsibility."

Judges say they cannot order blanket search warrants for all restrained persons without reasonable cause.

Law-enforcement officials say they can only confiscate weapons with a judge's directive, or if the restrained person has violated the restraining order.

So instead of patching a badly written law we have the many different branches of the justice department pointing fingers of blame.

Last year, Orange County made one of the few attempts to set up a mechanism for confiscating weapons with a pilot program run by the state Department of Justice and the county’s Domestic Violence Court.

Under the program, defendants arraigned in criminal domestic-violence cases and subject to mandatory gun prohibitions were given 24 hours to report to the local Department of Justice and make arrangements to surrender weapons.

At least Orange County made an attempt, but what happened?

But that program was suspended due to lack of funding.

So lets see if we understand this. People are dying because a badly written law isn't being fixed, nobody wants to take responsibility for its failure or for fixing it and nobody wants to spend any money to keep it going. that about right?

Nowhere in this entire article do I see the NRA mentioned. Not one single time. So whats Mike Magnum write?

Why did the program fail? Because the people who funded it succumbed yet again to the NRA’s rhetoric.

This is the problem in America– that the NRA has developed an entire culture that is confused about guns and the danger they represent. Even when the laws are in place, the NRA has given America a blind spot about gun violence. And it’s costing us American lives. The sooner we clear away the cloud the NRA has built up around guns, the sooner we’ll see clearly that they represent the gravest of threats.

Now, I've come across some beautiful spin in the last few years I've been interested in politics and gun rights, but this one is a doozy. To quote an article that doesn't even mention the NRA but certainly details the failures of the states justice department and to blame that entire failure on the NRA is just incredible.

Another fine example of how Mike Magnum resorts to misinformation, deception, inuendo, and outright lies to promote his anti gun agenda.

Kansas lawmakers override governers veto

Congratulations to all kansans who will all have the ability to carry concealed weapons for their self defense. This law takes effect on Jan 1, 2007

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

gunguys can't stop the misinformation it seems

This individual seems to be able to just spew lies out there like it was the absolute truth.
In reference to a story he posted earlier today, about ending gun crime in boston, the article talks about how the strictness of Mass. gun laws (like requiring background checks at gunshows for all sales) are a great step at reducing the number of guns on the street, but states like NH and Maine have very lax gun show laws that do not require background checks for gun sales are the major contributor to gun violence in Boston.

Massachusetts has strong gun laws, and requires background checks at gun shows, but because the other states don’t implement that, getting a gun is as easy as driving across the border.

Notice that he doesn't try to explain the actual circumstances regarding the background checks, like NH and Maine don't require STATE police to do a background check like Mass. does, but they ALL have to do a federal background check. Wait, they must be referring to the fact that they don't do background checks from private sales (which couldn't sell bulk because that would be commercial) I'm guessing that having the STATE police do a check is what got Mass. an A- by the brady campaign and should be all the explanation anyone needs as to why NH and Maine have a much lower crime rate than Mass.

Can 'GunGuys.com' explain why, if the gun laws are so lax in NH and Maine, why the gun violent criminals don't choose to stay in those states instead of going back to Mass.? I suppose it wouldn't have anything to do with lots of law abiding people being armed themselves, would it? I'm sure it couldn't be because these bad guys are afraid of getting shot by armed law abiding citizens, unlike the target rich environment in Mass. (read that as unarmed citizens)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Sebelius Vetoes Concealed Guns Bill

Citing opposition from law enforcement and business leaders, Gov. Kathleen Sebelius as expected vetoed a bill Tuesday that would have allowed qualified Kansans to carry concealed guns.

Well, I guess that Gov. Sebelius has forgotten who it is she serves in Kansas, since she's vetoed on law enforcement and business leaders opposition.

"While every law-abiding Kansan has a right to keep and bear arms, hidden weapons make it harder for law enforcement to do it job, and they make Kansas' workplaces less safe," Sebelius said in her veto message.

Law enforcement has to deal with the possibility of criminals having concealed weapons everyday. Criminals who aren't following the law anyway. So, basically the governor is telling the people of kansas that they are just as bad as the criminals and can't be trusted to carry concealed weapons. Lets hope the people of kansas remember this come election day.

Gunguys.com spewing lies again

GunGuys.com is again throwing out to the world that guns are the sole cause of violence. He's got an article with the reverend Lennox S. Yearwood preaching about how gang prevalence and poverty were factors in the violence terrorizing our country, but the real blame falls on the shoulders of one indutry: the one that manufactures and sells weapons of death.
While gang prevalence and poverty are undeniable factors in the rate of gun violence nationwide, gun manufacturers shoulder the bulk of responsibility,

Isn't it amazing how the gun industry is largely responsible for violence on the streets today, unlike what it was years ago when there was still gang violence and poverty without all the guns.
“I’ve been all over this nation, and I have yet to come across a (neighborhood) that has a gun factory in it. I hold the gun manufacturers accountable,” Yearwood said. “It’s time for a reconstruction of gun laws here in America.”

I guess this moron forgot that Smith & Wesson has a base in springfield. I'm also sure that by 'reconstruction', he means abolish all weapons.
Of course, 'Mike Magnum' has to continue to throw out more BS by saying -
While violence claims thousands of American lives every year, gun manufacturers just keep churning out the bullets and firearms that make it possible. So much so that they practically encourage a black market– they churn out more weapons than a legal market can handle.

I'm sure that all that violence would just dry up and blow away if all guns were removed. Wonder what utopia he's living in because it sure isn't the real world.
We’re past due in passing legislation that will get a handle on the gun industry and their products. Americans are dying in the streets every day, and it’s time to make the gun industry answer for that.

I guess it would be too much to ask to make the criminals pay for their violence instead of blaming it on the tool they use to commit it, huh?

It's idiots like this that continue to persuade the ignorant about the causes of, and the cures of, violence on the street.

Patriot Act Abuse?

Nicki, over at the liberty zone, has a startling article about how the american government is using the Patriot Act for things OTHER than terrorism.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Letters, 3/16: Torn on concealed carry

Interesting opinion letter in Nebraskas 'JournalStar last week.

I generally lean toward liberal positions, especially as regards social issues. But in the ongoing debate over Nebraska’s proposed concealed carry law, I find myself torn, perhaps because I’m dealing with it from a painful perspective that forces me to reconsider my own liberal outlook.

My 24-year-old daughter, Rachel, was murdered on May 28 of last year. The man who climbed in through a bedroom window and killed her and two other young people (and seriously wounded a fourth) had a criminal record; he should not have had — and indeed was technically not allowed to have — a weapon. But he did have one, and he used it to take from me the thing I loved most in the world.

If any of the victims had been carrying a weapon, the outcome of that tragic confrontation would almost certainly have been better; it could hardly have been any worse. Perhaps my daughter would still be alive. At least she would have had a chance. But she had no chance; no one there was armed except for the killer, who shot each victim (one of them three times) and then simply walked away.

Frankly, I do not really wish to carry (or even own) a weapon, and I would have no problem living in a society in which I was not allowed to own one. Just as long as the government could guarantee that no one else will own one, either.

Rod Scher, Lincoln

My heartfelt condolences to Mr. Scher for his loss. Sadly, it almost always takes events like these to show someone who is against guns and gun ownership that guns are a necessity in this world. His last sentence should be bolded, italicized, underlined, and put on every street corner. The government will never be able to guarantee that no one else would ever be able to own a gun. Not only would it be a grievious violation of the second amendment of the US Constitution, but it's not even remotely feasible if we still consider america to be free. The government is not responsible for your safety from the criminal element, only you are.

Concealed-carry backers insist on secrecy terms

Madison - If a concealed-weapons bill makes its way into law in Wisconsin, people likely won't be able to find out if their neighbors, co-workers or ex-spouses are packing guns.

The two most recent versions of the bill that have made it through the Legislature had secrecy provisions. Both those bills cleared the Republican-led Legislature, but were vetoed by Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle. Lawmakers have pledged to push a new version forward after the November elections - with the secrecy measure intact.

"When you're talking about something that has the potential to kill another human being, that absolutely should be public," said Rep. Jon Richards (D-Milwaukee), an opponent of the bill.

"If we're going to have concealed weapons as a society, I think we should be able to track who has them."

News flash to Rep. Jon Richards....criminals already carry concealed weapons but you don't make those names available to the public. When you can do that, maybe we could consider having law abiding people who carry concealed available to the public, however, when newspapers freely publish the names of people who followed the law in obtaining a concealed weapons permit, they end up being targets like Bill Singleton in Ohio.

Less than a week after the Cleveland Plain Dealer published Bill Singleton's name among a list of people who have chosen to obtain a license to bear arms for self-defense, Mr. Singleton is dead.

When three robbers came to Singleton's business Tuesday morning - they allegedly shot before Singleton had time to react to their demands.

In an exchange of gunfire, Singleton and a 17-year-old assailant were shot in the parking lot outside the United Check Cashing store on Lake Shore Boulevard near East 156th Street. Both later died at Huron Hospital.

A publishing that they appear to have deleted from their archives now that Mr. Singleton is dead. Thank you, Cleveland Plain Dealer for assisting the criminal element.

Daley, Blagojevich on the anti-gun crusade

Mayor Richard Daley and Gov. Rod Blagojevich led an anti-violence march Saturday in Englewood, calling on legislators to ban assault-style weapons in Illinois.

So Daley and the Gov are still dancing in the blood of young kids to promote a policy which has done nothing to lower the crime rate in chicago for 8 years....

One of two children killed this month in the South Side neighborhood was struck in the head by bullet from an AK-47-style rifle converted to fully automatic use.

I would note that by federal law, converting a weapon to be fully automatic is illegal, so it appears that the shooters weren't following the law anyway. How is banning yet another type of weapon going to make them take notice this time?

"It is a very sad comment that we bury another child today," Daley said, about two hours before 10-year-old Siretha White was buried in Mount Hope Cemetery.

Blagojevich said he would again speak to lawmakers who voted against a bill that would ban ownership of assault-style weapons in Illinois.

"These are the weapons of mass destruction and all you have to do is come to Englewood to understand that," Blagojevich said.

Now, having been a US Marine for 6 years, I know that Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical weapons are considered Weapons of Mass Destruction but automatic or semi-automatic firearms are most certainly not unless the laws of reality are different in Illinois.

Illinois is in trouble and the people of chicago had better wake up and see that Daley and Blagojevich are not serving the peoples interests by leaving them defenseless to people who have no intention of following the law, but rather serving their own selfish interests of a no-gun policy which is taking its toll on the people.

Laying the blame on others

Members of the Million Mom March and CeasefireNJ will hold a rally in Trenton on Saturday, the third anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. The antigun advocates' mission: to point out that while New Jersey has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation, shooting deaths in its major cities surged last year.

No mention of whether the people who are dead were unarmed victims or other gangbangers on the street doing shootouts. My guess is that it would be a mix of both, not that it would matter to the million moms and ceasefire, because 'self-defense' obviously isn't in their dictionary.

Activists say many of the weapons come here from out of state, including from across the Delaware River in Pennsylvania. The rally will end with a march across the "Trenton Makes, The World Takes" bridge to Morrisville, Pa.
"We think that it's entirely appropriate that this rally and march will be across a bridge between Pennsylvania and New Jersey, because it's across such bridges that guns come into our state that devastate our communities," said Bryan Miller, director of CeasefireNJ. "It's an easy trip across the river."

So making it harder to buy a handgun in Pennsylvania has forced criminals, who aren't obeying the gun laws anyway, to go out of state to get their instruments of violence. Thats what happens when you ignore the root causes of violence and instead try to cut off access to the tools that they use. All you've done is make it easier for the criminals to victimize the law abiding citizen.

A related bill by Assemblyman Richard Merkt, R-Randolph, cites ATF figures from 1992 to 1998 indicating that 80 percent of guns confiscated in crimes in the Garden State had been smuggled in from other states.

Prosecutors in Camden County said of the 252 guns used in crimes there in 2003-2004 that could be traced to their original point of sale, 36 percent came from Pennsylvania. About 14 percent came from the Garden State, with the balance coming from the Carolinas, Florida, Virginia and Georgia.

"The federal government has abdicated its responsibility in guns coming up through the border," Gusciora said Thursday. "New Jersey should at least track to find out which states these guns are coming from."

so now we're going to add the federal government to your list of bodies for New Jersey's failure to stop gun crime? I'm not one to usually go for the liberal/conservative aspect of stories, but this one certainly looks like it's straight out of the liberal handbook of blame laying.

Andrew Arulanandam, a spokesman with the National Rifle Association, said while he hasn't seen Gusciora's legislation, efforts to focus on legal gun purchases are misplaced.

"A vast majority of firearms used in crime are obtained in the black market," Arulanandam said. "The key is to strictly prosecute anyone who breaks the law, especially firearms law. If there's anyone involved in illegal gun trade, prosecute them."

While not a huge fan of the NRA myself, at least this guy has it right. Too bad the anti-gun folks don't want to hear something like that. I guess that makes too much sense for them to comprehend.

But Attorney General Zulima Farber's office says tracing gun origins is an important public policy effort. To that end, in an interview earlier this week Farber said state police have begun an initiative in Irvington and Camden to intensify investigations at crime scenes where a gun has been used.

Tracing gun origins is only an important policy effort if you are still trying to find ways to be able to sue the manufacturer and dealer for your incompetence at stopping the criminal. This is what governments at all levels do when they can't get unethical legislation passed, they try to regulate and legislate a business out of the market.

Friday, March 17, 2006

3rd Dennys restaraunt shooting in 3 days

Man Shot Dead at Calif. Denny's Restaurant

A gunman opened fire early Friday at a Denny's restaurant, killing one man and seriously wounding another, police said. It was the third fatal shooting at the restaurant chain in Southern California this week.

The 2:45 a.m. shooting happened after a fight between two large groups inside the restaurant, said Sgt. Rick Martinez of the Anaheim Police Department.

One victim re-entered the restaurant after being shot and died inside, Martinez said. The other victim was taken to a hospital and was expected to survive.

The gunman was being sought by authorities. The shooting did not appear to be gang-related, Martinez said.

So, my question to the gun grabber groups (mainly the brady bunch) is that since this obviously shows denny restaraunts to be dangerous (aside from the food that is) are they going to start handing out grades or hounding legislators to ban denny restaraunts?

How GunGuys.com lies to you

This particular individual apparently has no problem spinning fraudulent tales to support his anti spin.

In the shooting of a young girl in Englewood Illinois, The GunGuys site owner spins a tale of how the assault weapons ban in Illinois actually works, since the shooter had to buy the weapon in Indiana. If the law really worked, the weapon should never have made it in to the chicago area, don't you think?

The weapon was also purchased by using a fake ID. I can only assume that was how the background check passed, because his own identity would have failed him. The GunGuy grabber would have you believe that this is what makes it so easy for criminals to obtain weapons, in other words, a loophole. One that he would like to see plugged. I would too, but there is no way to have a gun dealer be able to determine that an ID is fake, the holder is really who he says he is, and confirm with the federal government that he/she has done all this without giving the gun dealer access to the same resources as the federal government doing the check. But they don't want you to know this, just take their word that it should be done.

I'll be checking on this guy daily and pointing out all the crap that he's permeating to promote his agenda.

Armed Pair Robs Discount Store, Assaults Manager

So, here we have a 99 cent store clerk who was robbed, not by criminals with easy handguns, but thugs carrying shotguns. On top of that, even though he handed the money over and complied with the criminals demand like the gun control lobby/law enforcement groups tell the sheeple to do, he was still assaulted by the armed thugs.

I'm sure the gun control lobby is still proud of him though, for taking it on the chin so to speak.